BHSU Course Rotation

  • Key:
    • A = all years
    • O = odd years
    • E = even years
    • * = as needed
    • SGR = System General Education Requirement
    • IGR = Institutional General Education Requirement
SubjectCourse NoTitleFallSpringSummerSGR/IGR
ACCT210Principles of Accounting IAA  
ACCT211Principles of Accounting IIAA  
ACCT361Advanced Computer Applications  A 
ACCT460Managerial Accounting OA 
AIS214Introduction to American Indian Literature O
AIS256Literature of American West *
AIS257Early American Indian History and Culture A AX
AIS369Modern American Indian History and Culture A
ANTH210Cultural Anthropology*   
ART111Drawing I AX
ART161Graphic Communication E  
ART315Computer Producing and Imaging *  
ART328Advertising Media Communication*O  
ARTH100Art AppreciationAAAX
ARTH121Introduction to the Visual Arts* X
ARTH211History of World Art I  AX
ARTH212History of World Art II OX
BADM220Business StatisticsE - Planned to start 2021 A - Planned to start 2021 
BADM280Personal FinanceA
BADM310Business Finance A
BADM320Qantitative Decis. Analysis A 
BADM321Business StatisticsA
BADM334Small Business Management E
BADM336Entrepreneurship IA O
BADM344Mangerial ComminicationsAA
BADM350Legal Environment of BusinessAA
BADM351Business LawA A
BADM369Organizational Behavior and TheoryAAA
BADM407International BusinessA E
BADM417Human Resource Management A
BADM425Production/Operations MgmtA A
BADM457Business Ethics A
BADM465Integrated Marketing A
BADM471Marketing ManagementA
BADM473Retail ManagementO
BADM475Consumer Behavior A
BADM482Business Policy & StrategyAAO
CMST101Fundamentals of SpeechAAAX
CMST201Interpersonal Communication *
CMST410Organizational Communication*   
CMST434Small Group Communication *
ECE328Guidance with Young ChildrenAA  
ECE328LGuidance with Young Children - LABA   
ECE371Infants and Toddlers: Developmentally Appropriate Practices *A*
ECE408Assessment in Early Childhood/SPED A  
ECE411Social Development in Early ChildhoodA A
ECE413Early Childhood CurriculumA A
ECE417Methods of Early Childhood Education AA
ECE491Independent Study ***
ECE495Practicum: KindergartenAAA
ECE 495Practicum: Early InterventionAAA 
ECE495Practicum: Preschool (Minor)AA  
ECE495Practicum: Early Intervention (endorsement)AA  
ECE495Practicum: Preschool (endorsement)AA  
ECON201Principles of MicroeconomicsAAOX
ECON202Principles of MacroeconomicsA EX
ECON304Managerial EconomicsA   
ECON330Money and Banking OA 
ECON482Labor EconomicsO   
ED291Independent Study ***
ED295Practicum in Reading A 
ED413Nature and Needs of the Gifted ***
ED431Library Media and Technology A
ED491Independent Study ***
ED492Special Topics ***
ED495Practicum ***
EDFN210Issues and Strategies in Reading ***
EDFN295Pre-Admission Practicum (co-requisite with EDFN 338)A A
EDFN300Using Educational Research ***
EDFN338Foundations of American Education (co-requisite with EDFN 295)AA*
EDFN365Computer-based Teaching and LearningAA*
EDFN375Methods of Technology Integration (with student teaching)AA  
EDFN395Practicum ***
EDFN475Human RelationsAA*
ELED315Foundations and Theories of ReadingAAA
ELED361Social Science for the Elementary TeacherA   
ENGL013English Second Language-Complex Structure Advanced Composition***
ENGL032Basic Writing*   
ENGL033Basic Writing**
ENGL099English As a Second Language***
ENGL101Composition IAAAX
ENGL201Composition IIAAAX
ENGL210Introduction to LiteratureAAAX
ENGL214Introduction to American Indian Literature O X
ENGL248Women in LiteratureA *X
ENGL283Creative Writing I A*X
ENGL320The Non-Western Novel ***X
ENGL379Technical CommunicationA
ENGL401Advanced Writing *
ENGL409Teaching English As a Second Language O
EPSY302Educational PsychologyAA*
EPSY428Child and Adolescent Growth and DevelopmentAA*
EXS250Human Anatomy & Physiology A
EXS250LHuman Anatomy & Physiology Lab A
EXS280Fitness Assessment A
EXS285Exercise and Chronic DiseaseAA  
EXS286Medical Word OriginsAAA 
EXS300Intro to ResearchAA
EXS452Motor Learning & DevelopmentA A
FL391Independent Study ***
FREN101Introductory French I ***
FREN102Introductory French II ***
FREN201Intermediate French I ***
FREN202Intermediate French II ***
GEOG101Introduction to GeographyAA X
GEOG210World Regional GeographyAAAX
GEOG292Topics ***
GEOG491Independent Study ***
GEOG492Topics ***
HIST115Survey of Non-Western CivilizationsA
HIST121Western Civilization IAAAX
HIST122Western Civilization II  AX
HIST151United States History IAAAX
HIST152United States History IIAA X
HIST240Introduction to Public History and Cultural Resources A
HIST257Early American Indian History and Culture A A
HIST291Independent Study ***
HIST292Topics ***
HIST369Modern American Indian History and Culture A
HIST455American Civil War & Reconstruction - Fall every third yearBeginning Fall - 2022
HIST460American Military HistoryE
HIST469American Foreign Relations odd Spring (synchronous Zoom)
HIST476History of South Dakota AA
HIST490Seminar ***
HIST491Independent Study ***
HIST492Topics ***
HIST494Internship ***
HLTH321K-8 Methods of Teaching HealthAA
HLTH422Nutrition AA
HLTH491Independent Study***
HRM456Employment Law and PolicyE   
HRM460Human Resource ManagementAA  
HRM461Workforce Planning and Selection E  
HRM465Compensation ManagementO   
HRM466Training and Development O  
HUM100Introduction to HumanitiesA*AX
IE450Occupational and Safety Education  E 
INED411South Dakota Indian StudiesAAA
LIBM205Children's LiteratureAAA
LIBM305Children's and Young Adults' LiteratureA  
LIBM404Reference ResourcesA
LIBM406Adolescent Literature ***
LIBM408Collection Development A
LIBM409Library Methods A
LIBM421Management of the Library Media CenterA
LIBM443Information: Organization, Retrieval, and Discovery A
LIBM492Topics ***
LIBM495Library Practicum A
MATH101Intermediate AlgebraAAA 
MATH103Mathematical ReasoningAAAX
MATH114College AlgebraAAAX
MATH121Survey of Calculus   *X
MATH123Calculus IAAAX
MATH125Calculus IIAAAX
MATH281Introduction to StatisticsAAAX
MATH291Independent Study ***
MATH292Topics ***
MATH341Math Concepts for Teachers I E
MATH342Math Concepts for Teachers II O
MATH491Independent Study ***
MATH492Topics ***
MCOM151Introduction to Mass CommunicationAAAX
MCOM220Introduction to Digital Media E  
MCOM235Social Media Survey O*
MCOM317Multimedia Reporting E  
MCOM320Freelance Writing *
MCOM327Advanced Multimedia Reporting*** 
MCOM330Writing for Digital Media O 
MCOM351Web Design A
MCOM373Public Relations Case Study*
MCOM430Media Law E 
MCOM448Interactive Multimedia Design***
MCOM452Mass Media IssuesO   
MCOM458Integrated Media Production I*   
MCOM459Integrated Media Production II *  
MCOM475Public RelationsE
MCOM485Science WritingBHSU - * and Mines - E   
MCOM488Research Communication***
MCOM493Workshop ***
MFL420Modern Foreign Language Methods - USD, SDSU, and BHSU rotate the class synchronously online BHSU Spring 2024
MIS105Introduction to Computers A  
MIS205Advanced Computer ApplicationsAA  
MIS325Management Information SystemsA A 
MLED473Principles and Practices of TeachingA
MLED478Guiding the Adolescent LearnerA
MLED480Middle Level MethodsAA 
MLED491Independent Study**  
MLED495Middle School PracticumA
MUS100Music AppreciationAAAX
MUS200American Music E X
OE292Topics (SCUBA, Archery Instructor, Climbing Instructor, Kayaking Instructor)***
OE492Topics: Wilderness First Responder***
PE322Lifeguard Instructor ***
PE440Organization & Administration of HPER/A * *
PE474Coaching Wrestling ***
PE491Independent Study***
PE492Special Topics***
PHIL100Introduction to Philosophy AAX
PHIL200Introduction to Logic * X
PHIL220Introduction to EthicsA  X
PHIL492Topics ***
PHYS185Introduction to Astronomy I*  X
PHYS185LIntroduction to Astronomy I Lab*  X
POLS100American GovernmentAAAX
POLS141Governments of the WorldA   
POLS210State & Local Government O X
POLS250Introduction to International Relations A X
POLS263Introduction to Political Theory *  
POLS292Topics ***
POLS320Public AdministrationO
POLS391Independent Study ***
POLS469American Foreign Relations odd Spring (synchronous Zoom)
POLS476History of South Dakota AA
POLS491Independent Study ***
POLS492Topics ***
POLS494Internship ***
PSYC101General PsychologyAAAX
PSYC233Applied Psychology ***
PSYC318Comparative Psychology***
PSYC318LComparative Psychology Lab***
PSYC405Motivation and Emotion***
PSYC405LMotivation and Emotion Laboratory***
PSYC406Cognitive Psychology***
PSYC409History & Systems of Psychology***
PSYC410Introduction to Psychopharmacology***
PSYC415Behavioral Genetics ***
PSYC415LHuman Behavioral Genetics Laboratory***
PSYC422Psychology of Adolescence ***
PSYC465Native American Psychology ***
RECR482Theory of Strength and Conditioning ***
RECR491Independent Study***
SEED4205-12 Teaching Methods ***
SEED440Classroom Management (secondary)AA  
SEED450Reading and Content Literacy *
SEED491Independent Study**  
SEED492Topics ***
SLDR301Introduction to Leadership Theory and Practice*   
SLDR310Strategic Planning *  
SLDR320Modern Leadership Theories*   
SLDR490Seminar *  
SOC100Introduction to SociologyA AX
SOC150Social Problems AAX
SOC225American Indian Women***
SOC291Independent Study***
SOC326Mediation and Conflict Resoulutin A
SOC350Race and Ethnic Relations OX
SOC351Criminology A
SOC380Sociology of Life Cycles O
SOC382The Family E
SOC403Sociological Theory O
SOC421Culture of the American Indian***
SOC423Social Stratification E
SOC432Collective Behavior & Social Change ***
SOC444Siouan Tribal Culture***
SOC454Indian Community Organization & Development ***
SOC455Juvenile Delinquency E
SOC458Sociology of AgingE
SOC459Sociology of Death and Dying ***
SOC462Population Studies ***
SOC491Independent Study***
SPAN101Introductory Spanish IAAAX
SPAN102Introductory Spanish II AAX
SPAN202Intermediate Spanish II A
SPAN211Intermediate Oral Practice I O - Zoom synchronous
SPAN304The Structure of SpanishO (Synchonuous Zoom) 
SPAN331Spanish Literature I *  
SPAN490Seminar ***
SPAN491Independent Study ***
SPAN492Topics *A*
SPED100Introduction to Students with ExceptionalitiesAAA
SPED405Educating Secondary Students With Disabilities A
SPED406Assistive Technology  E 
SPED410Behavior Management of Exceptional Children  AE
SPED413Serving Students with MR, DD, and Severe Disabilities A A
SPED417Vocational - Transitional ProgrammingAAO 
SPED420K-12 Curriculum & Instructional Strategies AAO
SPED431Identification and Assessment in Special Education AAE
SPED432Methods and Materials for LD K-12AA
SPED453Introduction to Autism   O 
SPED460Family Systems and Professional Collaboration  AE
SPED485Special Education Law AE 
SPED491Independent Study ***
SPED492Topics ***
SPED495Practicum in Special EducationaA
SS491Independent Study ***
SS494Internship ***
THEA100Introduction to Theatre AX
THEA292Topics ***
THEA395Practicum ***
THM100Intro to Tourism and Hospitality ManagementO  
THM200Convention, Meetings and Events O  
THM310Restaurant Management E  
THM320Lodging ManagementO   
THM410Tourism Management O  
THM480Tourism Planning and DevelopmentE   
WRTG379Technical CommunicationA
WRTG401Advanced Writing *
SubjectCourse NoTitleFallSpringSummerSGR/IGR
ACCT210Principles of Accounting IAA  
ACCT211Principles of Accounting IIAA  
ACCT310Intermediate Accounting IA  
ACCT311Intermediate Accounting II A  
ACCT360Accounting Systems E  
ACCT430Income Tax Accounting IA  
ACCT431Advanced Income Tax A  
ACCT454Advanced Auditing & Assurance E  
ACCT460Managerial AccountingA   
ACCT470Non-Profit AccountingO   
ACCT480Advanced Accounting A  
AIS101Introductory Lakota IA
AIS102Introductory Lakota II A
AIS115American Indian Oral Literature O
AIS143Traditional Lakota Arts A
AIS201Intermediate Lakota I**
AIS202Intermediate Lakota II**
AIS214Introduction to American Indian Literature E 
AIS225American Indian WomenO 
AIS244American Indians in Film and MediaO   
AIS251American Indian Art History A
AIS256Literature of American West**
AIS257Early American Indian History and Culture AA X
AIS355American Indian Psychology**
AIS369Modern American Indian History and Culture *
AIS377Ethnobotany of the Northern PlainsE*
AIS417American Indian Government and Politics*E
AIS422Issues in Contemporary Indian Life O
AIS444Siouan Tribal CultureA
AIS454Indian Community Organization & Development **
AIS460American Indian Philosophy**
AIS491Independent Study**
ANTH210Cultural Anthropology *  
ART111Drawing IAA X
ART112Drawing II A X
ART121Design I 2DAA X
ART122Design II ColorAA
ART123Three Dimensional DesignAA X
ART143Traditional Lakota Arts A
ART161Graphic CommunicationAA  
ART172Design Concepts in Crafts Media A
ART211Drawing III - FigurativeA  
ART222Exploring ThemesA   
ART231Painting I***
ART257Intermediate Graphic CommunicationAE  
ART265Basic PhotographyAA  
ART266Photojournalism A  
ART286Serigraphy A  
ART291Independent Study*** 
ART312Intermediate PhotographyA 
ART315Computer Producing and Imaging*A (starting Spring '23)  
ART328Advertising Media CommunicationA (starting Fall '22)*  
ART330Painting Techniques A
ART333Ideation and IdentityA   
ART338Encaustic Painting TechniquesO   
ART340Sculpture Techniques E
ART343Introduction to Drone Photography *  
ART350Ceramics Techniques A
ART353Ceramics: SurfaceE   
ART354Ceramics: FunctionalO   
ART357Advanced Graphic Communication A  
ART 358Digital Color ManagementA   
ART364Studio and Commercial PhotographyE   
ART365Advanced Photography A (starting Spring 2023)
ART375Art and TechnologyAO
ART444Studio PracticeA   
ART450Alternative Photographic Printing Processes E  
ART4574D Art Techniques E
ART461Photo Special ProjectsE   
ART463Professional Practices in Photographic Imaging E  
ART464Advanced Studio and Commercial Photography O  
ART465Contemporary Issues in PhotographyA 
ART466Filmmaking for Photographers O  
ART480Printmaking TechniquesA
ART491Independent Study**
ARTD215Typography A  
ARTD335Digital IllustrationA  
ARTD463Professional Practices in Graphic DesignA   
ARTE310K-8 Art MethodsAA 
ARTE414K-12 Art MethodsE
ARTH100Art Appreciation * X
ARTH121Introduction to the Visual Arts*  X
ARTH165History of PhotographyA   
ARTH211History of World Art IA  X
ARTH212History of World Art II A X
ARTH251American Indian Art History A X
ARTH312History of Graphic Design O  
ARTH415Gallery Management O
ARTH456Recent Developments in Visual ArtsA
BADM101Survey of BusinessA   
BADM220Business StatisticsAA  
BADM280Personal Finance A
BADM310Business FinanceAA
BADM320Qantitative Decis. AnalysisAA
BADM321Business StatisticsAA
BADM334Small Business ManagementA
BADM336Entrepreneurship IA
BADM344Mangerial ComminicationsAA
BADM350Legal Environment of BusinessAA
BADM351Business Law A
BADM369Organizational Behavior and TheoryAA
BADM407International BusinessAA
BADM411Investments A
BADM413Advanced Corporate FinanceA
BADM417Human Resource ManagementA
BADM425Production/Operations MgmtAA
BADM438Entrepreneurship II A
BADM457Business EthicsAA
BADM471Marketing Management E
BADM473Retail ManagementE
BADM475Consumer BehaviorA
BADM476Marketing Research A
BADM482Business Policy & StrategyAA
BED4807-12 Business Education Methods A
BIOL101Biology Survey IA AX
BIOL101LBiology Survey I LabA AX
BIOL103Biology Survey II AAX
BIOL103LBiology Survey II Lab AAX
BIOL121Basic Anatomy A
BIOL121LBasic Anatomy Lab A
BIOL123Basic PhysiologyA
BIOL123LBasic Physiology LabA
BIOL151General Biology IAA X
BIOL151LGeneral Biology I LabAA X
BIOL153General Biology II A X
BIOL153LGeneral Biology II LabAA X
BIOL231General MicrobiologyAA
BIOL231LGeneral Microbiology LabA 
BIOL301Plant SystematicsE
BIOL301LPlant Systematics LabE
BIOL302Animal Behavior A
BIOL311Principles of EcologyA
BIOL311LPrinciples of Ecology LabA
BIOL325LPhysiology LabA
BIOL331LMicrobiology LabA 
BIOL343Cell and Molecular Biology A
BIOL343LCell and Molecular Biology Lab A
BIOL355LMammalogy LabO
BIOL371LGenetics LabAA
BIOL373LEvolution LabAA
BIOL381Vertebrate Anatomy A
BIOL381LVertebrate Anatomy Laboratory A
BIOL405Entomology O
BIOL405LEntomology Lab O
BIOL422Immunology E
BIOL430Neurobiology O
BIOL430LNeurobiology Lab O
BIOL434LHerpetology LaboratoryE
BIOL437Biometry O
BIOL490Seminar in BiologyAA X
CHEM106Chemistry SurveyAA X
CHEM106LChemistry Survey LabAA X
CHEM107Organic and Biochemistry Survey * X
CHEM107LOrganic and Biochemistry Survey Lab * X
CHEM112General Chemistry IA* X
CHEM112LGeneral Chemistry I LabA* X
CHEM114General Chemistry II A X
CHEM114LGeneral Chemistry II Lab A X
CHEM326Organic Chemistry IA
CHEM326LOrganic Chemistry I LabA
CHEM328Organic Chemistry II A
CHEM328LOrganic Chemistry II Lab A
CHEM332Analytical ChemistryA
CHEM332LAnalytical Chemistry LabA
CHEM342Physical Chemistry IA E
CHEM342LPhysical Chemistry I LabA
CHEM344Physical Chemistry II A
CHEM344LPhysical Chemistry II Lab A
CHEM452Inorganic Chemistry O
CHEM452LInorganic Chemistry Lab O
CHEM464Biochemistry IA
CHEM464LBiochemistry I LabA
CHEM465Biochemistry II A
CHEM465LBiochemistry Laboratory II A
CHEM490Seminar in ChemistryAA X
CHEM492Topics in Chemistry *
CMST101Fundamentals of SpeechAA X
CMST201Interpersonal CommunicationAA
CMST215Public SpeakingA X
CMST222Argumentation and DebateAA X
CMST281Speech and Debate Activities**
CMST291Independent Study**
CMST340Oral Interpretation of Literature**
CMST405Theories of Communication *
CMST410Organizational CommunicationE   
CMST434Small Group CommunicationO
CMST455Visual Culture O
CMST466Principles of Rhetoric *
CMST481Speech and Debate Activities**
CMST485Communication & Conflict Resolution *
CMST491Independent Study**
CSC150Computer Science IA   
CSC250Computer Science II*   
DRED460Driver & Traffic Safety Education  E 
DRED480Special Methods in the Teaching of Dr. ED  E 
ECE228Guidance with Young ChildrenAAA
ECE328Guidance with Young Children A  
ECE371Infants and Toddlers: Developmentally Appropriate Practices * *
ECE486Student Teaching - Early Childhood/SPEDAA 
ECE488Student Teaching in Early ChildhoodAA
ECE491Independent Study ***
ECON201Principles of MicroeconomicsAA X
ECON202Principles of MacroeconomicsAA X
ECON301Intermediate Microeconomics A  
ECON330Money and BankingA   
ECON410Economic Growth & Development O  
ECON411International Political Economy every second even Spring, starting Spring 2028  
ECON433Public Finance E  
ECON482Labor EconomicsE   
ED101Strategies for University LearningAA
ED291Independent Study ***
ED413Nature and Needs of the Gifted ***
ED444K-12 Student TeachingAA
ED488K-12 Student Teaching*A  
ED491Independent Study ***
ED492Special Topics ***
ED495Practicum ***
EDE328Guidance with Young ChildrenAA 
EDFN210Issues and Strategies in Reading ***
EDFN295Pre-Admission Practicum (co-requisite with EDFN 338)AA
EDFN300Using Educational Research ***
EDFN338Foundations of American Education (co-requisite with EDFN 295)AA
EDFN365Computer-based Teaching and LearningAA*
EDFN395Practicum ***
EDFN440Classroom Management (elementary) - BlockAA  
EDFN475Human Relations  *
ELED295Practicum: Pre-Admission TeachingAA 
ELED303Earth and Physical Science for Elem Teachers AA
ELED315Foundations and Theories of ReadingAA 
ELED320K-8 Science Methods - BlockAA
ELED330K-8 Math Methods- BlockAA
ELED360K-8 Social Science Methods- BlockAA
ELED361Social Science for the Elementary Teacher A  
ELED408Planning, Managing, and Assessing in the Diverse ClassroomAA 
ELED415Assessment for the Elementary TeacherAA  
ELED440K-8 Language Arts Methods - BlockAA
ELED450K-8 Reading Methods - BlockAA
ELED459Introduction to Literacy Assessment and Remediation - BlockAA
ELED488K-8 Student TeachingAA
ELED495Pre-Student Teaching Practicum - BlockAA
ENGL013English Second Language-Complex Structure Advanced Composition***
ENGL023ESL-Listening/Reading, Grammar, Composition***
ENGL032Basic WritingAA  
ENGL033Basic Writing** 
ENGL099English As a Second Language***
ENGL101Composition IAA X
ENGL115American Indian Oral Literature O X
ENGL201Composition IIAA X
ENGL210Introduction to LiteratureA  X
ENGL211World Literature I E X
ENGL212World Lit II O X
ENGL214Introduction to American Indian Literature E X
ENGL221British Literature IA  X
ENGL222British Literature II A X
ENGL241American Literature IA X
ENGL242American Literature II A X
ENGL244American Indians in Film and MediaO   
ENGL248Women in Literature* X
ENGL256Literature of American West** X
ENGL283Creative Writing IAA X
ENGL284Introduction to CriticismA   
ENGL291Independent Study**
ENGL304Fundamentals of English GrammarA
ENGL320The Non-Western Novel *  X
ENGL401Advanced Writing A
ENGL406Adolescent LiteratureO
ENGL411Bible As Literature * X
ENGL412Composition for the English Teacher E
ENGL426History/Structures of English O
ENGL431Shakespeare I E
ENGL432Shakespeare II O
ENGL453American Renaissance**
ENGL468Contemporary Fiction**
ENGL475Creative Writing: Nonfiction E  
ENGL476Creative Writing: Fiction O starting Spring ’23
ENGL478Creative Writing: PoetryA 
ENGL482Creative Writing IIA*
ENGL483Advanced Creative Writing*A
ENGL484Literary Criticism*
ENGL486Rhetorical Theory and Practice**
ENGL490SeminarA (or ENGL 492A (or ENGL 492)
ENGL491Independent Study**
ENGL492TopicsA (or ENGL 490)A (or ENGL 490)
EPSY302Educational PsychologyAA*
EPSY428Child and Adolescent Growth and DevelopmentAA*
EXS101The Exercise Science MajorAA
EXS250Human Anatomy & PhysiologyAA
EXS250LHuman Anatomy & Physiology LabAA 
EXS280LFitness Assessment Lab A
EXS350Exercise Physiology A
EXS350LExercise Physiology Lab A
EXS354Prevention & Care of Athletic InjuriesAA
EXS354LPrevention & Care of Athletic Injuries Lab AA
EXS425Programming for Special PopulationsA   
EXS425LProgramming for Special Populations LabA   
EXS454Biomechanics A
EXS454LBiomechanics Lab A
EXS462Exercise Leadership A
EXS482Theory of Strength Training & Conditioning A 
EXS489Applied Human Performance A
EXS494Exercise Science InternshipAAA
FL391Independent Study ***
FREN101Introductory French I ***
FREN102Introductory French II ***
FREN201Intermediate French I ***
FREN202Intermediate French II ***
GEOG101Introduction to Geography*  X
GEOG210World Regional GeographyA  X
GEOG292Topics ***
GEOG409Environmental History of the U.S. *
GEOG491Independent Study ***
GEOG492Topics ***
GEOL201Physical GeologyAA X
GEOL201LPhysical Geology LaboratoryAA X
GEOL203Historical GeologyA X
GEOL203LHistorical Geology LabA X
GEOL310Volcanology E
GEOL340Minerology/Petrology  O 
GEOL340LMinerology/Petrology  O 
GEOL350Environmental GeologyE
GEOL390Seminar O X
GER101Introductory German I* X
GER102Introductory German II * X
GER201Intermediate German I*
GER202Intermediate German II *
HIST115Survey of Non-Western Civilizations*
HIST121Western Civilization IAA X
HIST122Western Civilization II A X
HIST151United States History IAA X
HIST152United States History IIAA X
HIST240Introduction to Public History and Cultural Resources *
HIST257Early American Indian History and Culture AA
HIST291Independent Study ***
HIST292Topics ***
HIST313History of the Middle East  O X
HIST318Colonial/Post-Colonial Africa - Spring – every second even year  Beginning Spring 2022  
HIST342Revolution and Revolt O  
HIST359Recent American History *
HIST369Modern American Indian History and Culture *
HIST377International Orders of War and Peace, every second even Spring, starting Spring 2026 E  
HIST409Environmental History of the US *
HIST418History of Latin America - Spring – every second even year Beginning Spring 2024
HIST425Medieval Europe - Spring every third year E 
HIST441History of Modern Britain *
HIST442History of Modern Italy E  
HIST444History of Modern Russia *
HIST447History of Modern Germany *
HIST450American Colonial HistoryEvery Third Fall Beginning - Fall 2023 
HIST455American Civil War & Reconstruction - Fall every third year*
HIST465Westward Expansion of US - Fall every third yearBeginning - 2021
HIST467History of the Black Hills**
HIST469American Foreign Relations odd Spring (starting 2027)
HIST472Great Debates of the American FoundingO   
HIST476History of South Dakota *
HIST480Historical Methods & HistoriographyA 
HIST490Seminar ***
HIST491Independent Study ***
HIST492Topics ***
HIST494Internship ***
HLTH110Health Concepts full semesterA
HLTH201ATOD Prevention Education A
HLTH251First Aid & CPRAA 
HLTH321K-8 Methods of Teaching Health A
HLTH370Stress Management full semesterAA
HLTH410Current Issues in Health A
HLTH420K-12 Methods of Health Instruction A
HLTH491Independent Study***
HMS200Introduction to Human ServiceA
HMS300Interviewing/Crisis Intervention A
HMS400Program Planning & EvaluationA
HRM460Human Resource Management A  
HRM461Workforce Planning and Selection E  
HRM466Training and Development O  
HUM100Introduction to HumanitiesAA X
HUM387Western Religions*  X
HUM491Independent Study**
LAKL101Introductory Lakota IA X
LAKL102Introductory Lakota II A X
LAKL201Intermediate Lakota I**
LAKL202Intermediate Lakota II**
LIBM205Children's LiteratureAA
LIBM406Adolescent Literature ***
LIBM408Collection Development A
LIBM492Topics ***
LIBM495Library Practicum A
LING403Introduction to LinguisticsE
MATH093Mathematical Reasoning LabA   
MATH101Intermediate AlgebraAA  
MATH103Mathematical ReasoningAA X
MATH114College AlgebraAA X
MATH120TrigonometryA  X
MATH123Calculus IAA X
MATH125Calculus II A X
MATH225Calculus IIIA  X
MATH281Introduction to StatisticsAA*X
MATH291Independent Study ***
MATH292Topics ***
MATH315Linear Algebra O
MATH316Discrete Mathematics*
MATH321Differential EquationsO
MATH341Math Concepts for Teachers IAA
MATH342Math Concepts for Teachers IIAA
MATH351Foundations of MathematicsA   
MATH361Modern Geometry*O
MATH373Introduction to Numerical Analysis ***
MATH411Theory of Numbers-Fall every second even yearBeginning - Fall 2024 
MATH413Abstract Algebra I E
MATH416Combinatorics *  
MATH421Complex Analysis  *  
MATH423Advanced Calculus I  O  
MATH425Real Analysis I *
MATH440Mathematics of Finance  *  
MATH450History of Mathematics - Fall every second even yearBeginning - Fall 2026  
MATH461Introduction to Topology *  
MATH481Probability and Statistics E
MATH491Independent Study ***
MATH492Topics ***
MATH4xxElective – Spring every second even year starting Spring 2024  
MCOM151Introduction to Mass CommunicationAA X
MCOM210Basic NewswritingAA 
MCOM221Audio ProductionE 
MCOM296Field ExperienceAA  
MCOM305Sports Broadcasting E  
MCOM320Freelance Writing**
MCOM322Radio Production**  
MCOM331Video Production O
MCOM332Television Production*   
MCOM350Digital PhotographyAA 
MCOM351Web DesignA 
MCOM430Media Law O
MCOM449Advanced Interactive Multimedia Design**  
MCOM458Integrated Media Production IO   
MCOM459Integrated Media Production II *  
MCOM468Integrated News Lab 1*   
MCOM469Integrated News Lab II *  
MCOM491Independent Study**
MCOM493Workshop ***
MCOM494Internship AAA
MFL420Modern Foreign Language Methods - USD, SDSU, and BHSU rotate the class synchronously online *
MIS150Computer Science IA   
MIS205Advanced Computer ApplicationsA   
MIS250Computer Science II*   
MIS325Management Information SystemsAA  
MLED488Middle School Student TeachingAA  
MLED491Independent Study**  
MLED495Middle School Practicum A
MUAP100Applied Music-VoiceA
MUAP101Applied Music-Voice A
MUAP102Class Instruction-Voice**
MUAP110Applied Music-KeyboardA
MUAP111Applied Music-Keyboard A
MUAP115Class Instruction-KeyboardA
MUAP116Class Instruction-Keyboard A
MUAP120Applied Music-WoodwindsA
MUAP121Applied Music-Woodwinds A
MUAP130Applied Music-BrassA
MUAP131Applied Music-BrassAA
MUAP140Applied Music-PercussionA
MUAP141Applied Music-Percussion A
MUAP150Applied Music-StringsA
MUAP151Applied Music-Strings A
MUAP200Applied Music-VoiceA
MUAP201Applied Music-Voice A
MUAP202Class Voice**
MUAP210Applied Music-KeyboardA
MUAP211Applied Music-Keyboard A
MUAP215Class Instruction-KeyboardAA
MUAP216Class Instruction-Keyboard**  
MUAP220Applied Music-WoodwindsA
MUAP221Applied Music-Woodwinds A
MUAP230Applied Music-BrassA
MUAP231Applied Music-Brass A
MUAP240Applied Music-PercussionA
MUAP241Applied Music-Percussion A
MUAP250Applied Music-StringsA
MUAP251Applied Music-Strings A
MUAP300Applied Music-VoiceA
MUAP301Applied Music-Voice A
MUAP310Applied Music-KeyboardA*
MUAP311Applied Music-Keyboard A
MUAP320Applied Music-WoodwindsA
MUAP321Applied Music-Woodwinds A
MUAP330Applied Music-BrassA
MUAP331Applied Music-Brass A
MUAP340Applied Music-PercussionA
MUAP341Applied Music-Percussion A
MUAP350Applied Music-StringsA
MUAP351Applied Music-Strings A
MUAP355Class Instruction-Strings**
MUAP400Applied Music-VoiceA
MUAP401Applied Music-Voice A
MUAP410Applied Music-KeyboardA
MUAP411Applied Music-Keyboard A
MUAP420Applied Music-WoodwindsA
MUAP421Applied Music-Woodwinds A
MUAP430Applied Music-BrassA
MUAP431Applied Music-Brass A
MUAP440Applied Music-PercussionA
MUAP441Applied Music-Percussion A
MUAP450Applied Music-StringsA
MUAP451Applied Music-Strings A
MUEN107Opera Workshop A  
MUEN121Symphonic Band**
MUEN130Chamber Music EnsembleAA  
MUEN131Small Vocal Ensemble**
MUEN300Concert ChoirAA
MUEN304Chamber SingersAA
MUEN307Opera Workshop *  
MUEN322Concert BandAA
MUEN331Small Vocal Ensemble**
MUEN380Jazz EnsembleAA
MUS100Music AppreciationAA X
MUS110Basic Music Theory IA
MUS110LAurora Skills IA
MUS111Basic Music Theory II A
MUS111LAurora Skills II A
MUS185Recital AttendanceAA
MUS200American Music *  X
MUS210Advanced Music Theory IE
MUS210LAurora Skills IIIE
MUS211Advanced Music Theory II O
MUS211LAurora Skills IV O
MUS215Intro to Music Tech*   
MUS235Music Theatre in America**
MUS240Music Cultures of the WorldE   
MUS291Independent Study**  
MUS302Vocal Diction IO   
MUS303Vocal Diction II E  
MUS330Music History IO
MUS331Music History II E
MUS345Vocal Pedagogy and LiteratureO
MUS351Elementary School Music MethodsE
MUS352Music in the Elementary School II O
MUS353K-8 Music MethodsAA 
MUS372Methods & Materials of Teaching Piano**
MUS373Woodwind Instrumental MethodsE
MUS374Percussion Instrumental Methods E
MUS375Brass Instrumental Methods O
MUS377String Instrumental MethodsO
MUS420Orchestration & ArrangingO
MUS456Instrumental Materials & TechniquesE
MUS458Choral Materials & Techniques O
MUS467Advanced Conducting E
MUS491Independent Study**
OE101The OE Major A  
OE242Outdoor Leadership E   
OE292Topics (SCUBA, Archery Instructor, Climbing Instructor, Kayaking Instructor) **
OE295OE PracticumAA  
OE310Environmental Education: Theory & PracticeO
OE350Environmental Interpretation A
OE376Interpretive Media E
OE392S/T Wilderness First Aid  O  
OE420Organization & Management of Outdoor Programs O*
OE492Topics: Wilderness First Responder E 
PE100Activity Courses - variousAA
PE100Ac: Archery (Meets OE Requirement)AA  
PE100Ac: Backpacking (Meets OE Requirement)  A 
PE100Ac: Beginning Rock Climbing (Meets OE Requirement)A * 
PE100Ac: Canoeing (Meets OE Requirement)A   
PE100Ac: Cross Country Skiing (Meets OE Requirement) A  
PE100 Ac: Fly Fishing (Meets OE Requirement)A * 
PE100Ac: Intermediate Kayaking (Meets OE Requirement) A* 
PE100Ac: Intermediate Rock Climbing (Meets OE Requirement) A* 
PE100Ac: OrienteeringA * 
PE121Intermediate SwimmingAA
PE180Foundations of HPERA
PE181Fundamentals of Elementary PE A
PE181LFundamentals of Elementary PE Lab A
PE201Professional Preparation: GymnasticsAA
PE204Professional Preparation: Rhythm & DanceA
PE263Physical Education OutdoorsA
PE300Applied Sport and Exercise Science A  
PE320Lifeguard TrainingO
PE320LLifeguard Training LabO
PE321Water Safety InstructorE
PE322Lifeguard Instructor ***
PE341Curriculum Development & EvaluationA
PE352Adapted Physical Education A
PE360K-8 Physical Education MethodsAA
PE363Skills ConceptsA
PE363LSkills Concepts LabA
PE364Skills and Concepts II A  
PE364LSkills and Concepts II LAB A  
PE440Organization & Administration of HPER/A  A 
PE453Sport PsychologyA
PE469Coaching Baseball/Softball E
PE470Coaching BasketballA
PE471Coaching FootballA
PE473Coaching Track & Field/Cross Country A
PE474Coaching Wrestling ***
PE475Coaching Volleyball O
PE481PE Methods & EvaluationAA
PE491Independent Study***
PE492Special Topics***
PHIL100Introduction to PhilosophyAA X
PHIL200Introduction to Logic A X
PHIL220Introduction to EthicsA X
PHIL416Contemporary Philosophy E  
PHIL492Topics ***
PHYS111Introduction to Physics IA X
PHYS111LIntroduction to Physics I LaboratoryA X
PHYS113Introduction to Physics II A X
PHYS113LIntroduction to Physics II Laboratory A X
PHYS185Introduction to Astronomy IA  X
PHYS185LIntroduction to Astronomy I LabA  X
PHYS211University Physics IA
PHYS211LUniversity Physics I LaboratoryA
PHYS213University Physics II A
PHYS213LUniversity Physics II Laboratory A
PHYS331Introduction to Modern Physics*
PHYS471Quantum Mechanics* 
POLS100American GovernmentAA X
POLS141Governments of the World*   
POLS250Introduction to International RelationsA* X
POLS263Introduction to Political Theory E  
POLS292Topics ***
POLS312Public Opinion and PollingE   
POLS327Policy and Crisis E  
POLS342Revolution and Revolt  O  
POLS376Democracy and DemocratizationO   
POLS377International Orders of War and Peace, every second even Spring, starting Spring 2026 E  
POLS391Independent Study ***
POLS406Power and the PresidencyE   
POLS411International Political Economy every second even Spring, starting Spring 2028
POLS417American Indian Government & Politics*E
POLS418History of Latin America - Spring – every second even year Beginning Spring 2024
POLS430Constitutional Law O
POLS469American Foreign Relations odd Spring (starting 2027)
POLS470Contemporary Debates in Political ThoughtO   
POLS472Great Debates of the American FoundingO   
POLS476History of South Dakota *
POLS491Independent Study ***
POLS492Topics ***
POLS494Internship ***
POLS498Undergraduate Research/Scholarship E  
PSYC101General PsychologyAAAX
PSYC103Introductory in PsychologyAAA
PSYC103LIntroductory Lab in PsychologyAAA
PSYC202The Psychology MajorAA  
PSYC221Lifespan Developmental PsychologyAAA
PSYC233Applied Psychology ***
PSYC266Psychology of Women O
PSYC301Sensation and PerceptionOA
PSYC301LSensation & Perception Lab OA
PSYC302Principles of Learning and MemoryA
PSYC302LPrinciples of Learning and Memory LabA
PSYC313Biological Psychology A
PSYC318Comparative Psychology***
PSYC318LComparative Psychology Lab***
PSYC325Child & Adolescent DevelopmentA 
PSYC348Psychology of ReligionE
PSYC365Contemporary Human BehaviorAAE
PSYC368Human Sexuality A  
PSYC371Statistics in Psychological ResearchAA
PSYC373Research Methods in Experimental PsychologyAA
PSYC373LResearch Methods in Experimental Psychology Lab AA
PSYC405Motivation and Emotion***
PSYC405LMotivation and Emotion Laboratory***
PSYC406Cognitive PsychologyE**
PSYC406LCognitive Psychology LabE   
PSYC409History & Systems of Psychology***
PSYC410Introduction to Psychopharmacology***
PSYC415Behavioral Genetics ***
PSYC415LHuman Behavioral Genetics Laboratory***
PSYC417Health PsychologyA
PSYC422Psychology of Adolescence ***
PSYC425Gerontological Psychology E
PSYC441Social Psychology A
PSYC451Psychology of Abnormal BehaviorAA
PSYC452Psychology of TraumaAA
PSYC453Introduction to Clinical Psychology A
PSYC461Theories of PersonalityA O
PSYC465Native American Psychology ***
PSYC481Psychology, Law, & OrderA   
PSYC489Senior CapstoneA 
PSYC491Independent StudyAA
READ041Reading for College SuccessAA
RECR482Theory of Strength and Conditioning ***
RECR491Independent Study***
RUSS101Introductory Russian I * X
RUSS102Introductory Russian II *  X
SCI388Global Positioning & Geographical Information Systems A 
SEED408Planning, Managing, and Assessing the 7-12 Diverse Classroom AA
SEED4137-12 Science Teaching MethodsA
SEED4157-12 Social Science Teaching MethodsA
SEED4187-12 Math Teaching MethodsA
SEED4205-12 Teaching Methods ***
SEED4247-12 Language Arts Teaching MethodsA
SEED450Reading and Content LiteracyAA*
SEED4595-12 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties A
SEED488Student TeachingAA
SEED491Independent Study**  
SEED492Topics ***
SEED495Pre-Student Teaching Practicum (co-req w/SEED 408)AA
SOC100Introduction to SociologyAA X
SOC150Social ProblemsAA X
SOC225American Indian WomenO  
SOC291Independent Study***
SOC330Self and SocietyA
SOC350Race and Ethnic Relations A X
SOC351Criminology O
SOC355Sociology of the Mass MediaE   
SOC382The Family O
SOC400Social PolicyA
SOC402Social DevianceA
SOC403Sociological TheoryA
SOC421Culture of the American Indian***
SOC422Issues in Contemporary Indian Life O 
SOC423Social Stratification A
SOC432Collective Behavior & Social Change ***
SOC440Urban SociologyO
SOC444Siouan Tribal CultureA  
SOC454Indian Community Organization & Development ***
SOC455Juvenile DelinquencyOE
SOC458Sociology of AgingE
SOC459Sociology of Death and Dying ***
SOC462Population Studies ***
SOC483Sociology of Gender RolesO
SOC491Independent Study***
SPAN101Introductory Spanish IA X
SPAN102Introductory Spanish II A X
SPAN201Intermediate Spanish IA
SPAN202Intermediate Spanish II A
SPAN301Spanish Conversation & Composition IA
SPAN302Spanish Conversation & Composition II A
SPAN304The Structure of Spanish *
SPAN331Spanish Literature I**  
SPAN332Spanish Literature II**  
SPAN343Survey of Latin American Literature**  
SPAN455Applied Translation**  
SPAN490Seminar ***
SPAN491Independent Study ***
SPAN492Topics ***
SPED100Introduction to Students with ExceptionalitiesAA
SPED405Educating Secondary Students With Disabilities AA
SPED406Assistive Technology A  
SPED410Behavior Management of Exceptional Children A
SPED413Serving Students with MR, DD, and Severe Disabilities A
SPED435Characteristics and Exceptionalities Of Adolescents A
SPED453Introduction to Autism A   
SPED460Family Systems and Professional Collaboration A
SPED488Student Teaching in Special EducationAA
SPED491Independent Study ***
SPED492Topics ***
SS491Independent Study ***
SS494Internship ***
TECH120Smart BuildingsAA  
TECH181Safety ManagementAA  
TECH185Technology in our LivesAA  
TECH262Energy Power and Transportation A  
TECH341Lean ConceptsA   
TECH381Construction TechnologyA   
TECH387Building InspectionO   
THEA100Introduction to TheatreAA X
THEA131Introduction to ActingAA X
THEA270History of World Cinema * X
THEA291Independent Study**
THEA292Topics  * 
THEA344Fundamentals of DesignE
THEA351Directing O
THEA361Literature and History of the Theatre I *
THEA364Literature and History of the Theatre II *
THEA395Practicum ***
THEA450Senior Capstone Project**
THEA455Advanced Acting *
THEA491Independent Study**
THEA492Topics *
THM100Intro to Tourism and Hospitality ManagementA  
THM200Convention, Meetings and Events E  
THM310Restaurant Management E  
THM320Lodging ManagementO  
THM410Tourism Management O  
THM480Tourism Planning and DevelopmentE   
WEL100Wellness for LifeAAAX
WEL100LWellness LabAAAX
WRTG379Technical Communication*
WRTG455Visual Culture O
WRTG479Professional Technical Writing *
WRTG486Rhetorical Theory and Practice *
WRTG491Independent Study**
SubjectCourse NoTitleFallSpringSummerSGR/IGR
ACCT210Principles of Accounting IA   
ACCT211Principles of Accounting II A  
ACCT310Intermediate Accounting IA   
ACCT311Intermediate Accounting II A  
ACCT360Accounting Systems O  
ACCT430Income Tax Accounting IO  
ACCT431Advanced Income Tax E  
ACCT454Advanced Auditing & Assurance O  
ACCT460Managerial Accounting A  
ACCT470Non-Profit AccountingE   
ACCT480Advanced AccountingA   
AIS251American Indian Art History *
AIS257Early American Indian History and Culture *  X
ANTH210Cultural Anthropology *  
ART111Drawing I***X
ART121Design I 2D * X
ART123Three Dimensional Design** X
ART161Graphic Communication**  
ART312Intermediate Photography *
ART315Computer Producing and Imaging**  
ARTE310K-8 Art Methods E
ARTH100Art Appreciation*  X
ARTH121Introduction to the Visual Arts * X
ARTH251American Indian Art History * X
BADM101Survey of Business A  
BADM220Business StatisticsA   
BADM310Business FinanceA
BADM320Qantitative Decis. AnalysisA
BADM321Business Statistics A
BADM334Small Business Management O
BADM336Entrepreneurship I E
BADM344Mangerial ComminicationsA
BADM350Legal Environment of BusinessA
BADM351Business Law E
BADM369Organizational Behavior and TheoryA
BADM370Marketing A
BADM407International Business A
BADM417Human Resource ManagementE
BADM425Production/Operations Mgmt A
BADM438Entrepreneurship II A
BADM457Business EthicsA 
BADM471Marketing Management O
BADM473Retail Management O
BADM482Business Policy & StrategyA 
BIOL101Biology Survey IA AX
BIOL101LBiology Survey I LabA AX
BIOL103Biology Survey II AAX
BIOL103LBiology Survey II Lab AAX
BIOL121Basic Anatomy AA
BIOL121LBasic Anatomy Lab AA
BIOL123Basic PhysiologyA A
BIOL123LBasic Physiology LabA A
BIOL231General Microbiology A
BIOL231LGeneral Microbiology Lab A
BIOL286Word Origins A
BIOL371LGenetics Lab*
CHEM106Chemistry SurveyA X
CHEM106LChemistry Survey LabA X
CHEM107Organic and Biochemistry Survey A X
CHEM107LOrganic and Biochemistry Survey Lab A X
CMST101Fundamentals of SpeechAA*X
CMST215Public Speaking * X
ECON201Principles of Microeconomics A X
ECON202Principles of MacroeconomicsA X
ECON330Money and Banking E  
EDFN295Pre-Admission Practicum (co-requisite with EDFN 338)AA
EDFN338Foundations of American Education (co-requisite with EDFN 295)A 
EDFN440Classroom Management (elementary) - BlockA   
EDFN475Human Relations A
ELED303Earth and Physical Science for Elem Teachers A
ELED320K-8 Science Methods - BlockA
ELED330K-8 Math Methods- BlockA
ELED360K-8 Social Science Methods- BlockA
ELED408Planning, Managing, and Assessing in the Diverse Classroom A
ELED440K-8 Language Arts Methods - BlockA
ELED450K-8 Reading Methods - BlockA
ELED459Introduction to Literacy Assessment and Remediation - BlockA
ELED495Pre-Student Teaching Practicum - BlockA
ENGL032Basic WritingA   
ENGL101Composition IA  X
ENGL101CBasic WritingA   
ENGL201Composition II A X
ENGL210Introduction to Literature A X
ENGL283Creative Writing I** X
EPSY302Educational PsychologyA 
EPSY428Child and Adolescent Growth and Development A
GEOG101Introduction to Geography * X
GEOG210World Regional Geography* X
GEOG409Environmental History of the U.S. *
GEOL201Physical GeologyAAAX
GEOL201LPhysical Geology LaboratoryAAAX
HIST115Survey of Non-Western Civilizations*
HIST121Western Civilization IE  X
HIST122Western Civilization II * X
HIST151United States History IO  X
HIST152United States History II * X
HIST240Introduction to Public History and Cultural Resources *
HIST257Early American Indian History and Culture * 
HIST313History of the Middle East * X
HIST318Colonial/Post-Colonial Africa - Spring – every second even year  *  
HIST322Ancient Greece and Rome*   
HIST327European History 1500 / 1815** 
HIST328European History Since 1815**
HIST359Recent American History* 
HIST409Environmental History of the US *
HIST418History of Latin America - Spring – every second even year** 
HIST425Medieval Europe - Spring every third year *
HIST441History of Modern Britain *
HIST444History of Modern Russia  * 
HIST447History of Modern Germany *
HIST460American Military History*
HMS200Introduction to Human Service A
HMS300Interviewing/Crisis InterventionA
HMS400Program Planning & Evaluation A
HRM460Human Resource ManagementA   
HRM465Compensation Management NULL 
HUM100Introduction to Humanities A X
INED411South Dakota Indian StudiesAAA
LAKL101Introductory Lakota I* X
MATH101Intermediate AlgebraA   
MATH103Mathematical ReasoningAA X
MATH114College AlgebraAA X
MATH281Introduction to Statistics * X
MATH341Math Concepts for Teachers IA 
MATH342Math Concepts for Teachers II A
MCOM151Introduction to Mass Communication*  X
MCOM210Basic Newswriting***
MCOM296Field Experience*** 
MCOM350Digital Photography*  
MCOM351Web Design**
MCOM430Media Law***
MCOM452Mass Media Issues*** 
MCOM475Public Relations***
MCOM494Internship ** 
MIS105Introduction to Computers A  
MIS205Advanced Computer ApplicationsA   
MIS325Management Information Systems A  
MUS100Music AppreciationO  X
MUS200American Music *X
MUS353K-8 Music Methods A
PHIL100Introduction to Philosophy** X
PHIL200Introduction to Logic * X
PHIL220Introduction to Ethics** X
POLS100American Government * X
POLS141Governments of the World *  
PSYC101General PsychologyAAAX
PSYC202The Psychology MajorA   
PSYC221Lifespan Developmental PsychologyAAA
PSYC301Sensation and Perception O
PSYC301LSensation & Perception Lab O
PSYC313Biological PsychologyO
PSYC365Contemporary Human Behavior A
PSYC368Human SexualityA   
PSYC371Statistics in Psychological ResearchA
PSYC373Research Methods in Experimental Psychology A
PSYC373LResearch Methods in Experimental Psychology Lab A
PSYC406Cognitive Psychology E
PSYC406LCognitive Psychology Lab E  
PSYC417Health PsychologyE
PSYC451Psychology of Abnormal BehaviorEA
PSYC452Psychology of TraumaA
PSYC453Introduction to Clinical PsychologyO
PSYC461Theories of PersonalityA
PSYC489Senior Capstone A
SOC100Introduction to SociologyAAAX
SOC150Social ProblemsAAAX
SOC350Race and Ethnic RelationsA X
SOC355Sociology of the Mass MediaO   
SOC382The FamilyO
SOC400Social Policy A
SOC402Social Deviance O
SOC403Sociological Theory A
SOC423Social StratificationA
SOC440Urban Sociology E
SOC455Juvenile DelinquencyE
SOC458Sociology of Aging E
SPAN101Introductory Spanish I* X
SPAN102Introductory Spanish II * X
SPED435Characteristics and Exceptionalities Of Adolescents A
TECH120Smart BuildingsAA  
TECH141Manufacturing TechnologyAA  
TECH181Safety ManagementAA  
TECH185Technology in our LivesAA  
TECH210Computer Aided Drafting 1AA  
TECH212CAD Mechanical Drafting 1 A  
TECH214CAD Architectural A  
TECH220Smart Building DesignAA  
TECH242Machining Processes O  
TECH262Energy Power and Transportation A  
TECH317Surveying and Cost Estimating O  
TECH321Construction Wiring E  
TECH330Communications TechnologyA   
TECH341Lean ConceptsA   
TECH342Lean Implementation E  
TECH350Methods of Teaching TechnologyE   
TECH381Construction TechnologyA   
TECH384Blue Print ReadingE   
TECH387Building InspectionO   
TECH389Project ManagementO   
TECH414Advanced Architectural Design E  
TECH416CAD Mechanical Drafting 2 O  
TECH441Computer Aided ManufacturingE   
TECH445Machine Integration O  
TECH485Enterprise SystemsA   
THEA100Introduction to Theatre** X
THEA131Introduction to Acting** X
THM100Intro to Tourism and Hospitality ManagementA   
THM200Convention, Meetings and Events O  
THM310Restaurant Management O  
THM320Lodging ManagementE  
THM410Tourism Management E  
THM480Tourism Planning and DevelopmentE   
WEL100Wellness for LifeAAAX
WEL100LWellness LabAAAX
SubjectCourse NoTitleFallSpringSummerFallSpringSummerFallSpringSummer
ART591Independent Study**
ARTE571Art for Elementary Teachers***
BIOL 505LEntomology Lab         
BIOL515Mycology  E      
BIOL 515LMycology Lab  E      
BIOL530NeurobiologyO E      
BIOL 534HerpetologyE        
BIOL534LHerpetology LabE        
BIOL 544Microbial GenomicsE        
BIOL561Agrostology E       
BIOL561Agrostology Lab E       
BIOL 562DendrologyA        
BIOL562LDendrology Lab         
BIOL 563LOrnithology Lab A       
BIOL574Introductory GenomicsAA       
BIOL592Natural Resource Management A       
BIOL724LGenomics Techniques O       
CHEM564LBiochemistry IIA        
CMST510Organizational CommunicationE
CMST524Communication Theory E
CMST534Small Group CommunicationO
CMST566Principles of Rhetoric O
CMST591Independent Study**
CPHD718Intro to Bioinformatics A       
ECE508Assessment in Early Childhood/SPED       A 
ECE511Guidance for Young Children A A
ECE513Early Childhood Curriculum A A
ECE517Methods of Early Childhood Education AA
ECE795Practicum: Preschool (endorsement) AA A
ECE795Practicum: Kindergarten      AA 
ECE795Practicum: Early Intervention (endorsement)      AA 
ECE795Practicum: Early Childhood      AA 
ED513Nature and Needs of the Gifted         
ED531Library Media and Technology *** *A*
ED591Independent Study **    ** 
ED592Topics *** ***
ED601Foundations and Issues of Mathematics Education *** ***
ED605Children's and Young Adult Literature *** ***
ED609Contemporary Issues in Science Education*** ***
ED611Algebraic Reasoning: Mathematics Content for K-12 Educators *** ***
ED619Earth and Space Science Concepts for K-12 Teachers *** ***
ED621Geometry and Measurement: Mathematics Content for K-12 Educators *** ***
ED622Foundations of Education and Learning Theory * * *A*
ED 624Computer Application in K-12 Curriculum         
ED629Life Science Concepts for K-12 Teachers *** ***
ED630Educational Collaboration and Teachign MethodsA        
ED631Data Analysis and Probability: Mathematics Content for K-12 Educators *** ***
ED639Physical Science Concepts for K-12 Teachers *** ***
ED641Understanding Student Thinking in Numbers and Operations *** ***
ED642Methods of Instructional Technology A
ED649Translating Theory Into Practice: Earth and Space Science *** ***
ED650Assessment and Corecction of Reading Difficulties Grades 6-12  A      
ED651Understanding Student Thinking in Algebra *** ***
ED653Seminar in Indian Education *** ***
ED659Assessment and Coreection of Reading Difficulties Grades K-6A        
ED661Understanding Student Thinking in Geometry Measurement *** ***
ED663Graduate Writing *** ***
ED669Theory Into Practice: Physical and Earth Science *** ***
ED671Assessment for School Mathematics *** ***
ED679Assessment of Science Teaching Learning *** ***
ED688Student Teaching      AA 
ED692Topics *** ***
ED 695Practicum (co-requisite w/ED 754)  A       
ED 703Applying Learning Theory to Instructional Design A        
ED703Applying Learning Theory to Instructional Design AAA
ED712Educational Assessment A
ED715Nature and Nurture of Creativity *** ***
ED717Gifted Methods Instruction & Curriculum *** ***
ED719Practicum in Gifted Education *** ***
ED727Technology in Education: Maintaining Equity & Ethics A
ED728New and Emerging Technology for SchoolsAA       
ED740Comparative Education *** ***
ED741Historical Development of Mathematical Concepts *** ***
ED742Literacy and Language: Reading and Writing Instruction A       
ED744Curriculum Development and Instruction A       
ED 745Curriculum History and Theory***      
ED747Reading Research and Theory  A      
ED747Reading Research and Theory A
ED 748Cultural Diversity in Schools   A      
ED749History, Nature and Context of Science *** ***
ED750Action Research in Schools A       
ED751Leadership in School Mathematics *** ***
ED754Leadership in Schools (co-requisite w/ ED 695) A       
ED 756Reading Practicum ***      
ED757Models, Methods, and Materials for Literacy Instruction A
ED759Advanced Issues: Leadership in K-12 Science *** ***
ED762Educational Statistics *** ***
ED766English As a Second Language Classroom Teaching Practicum *** ***
ED790Seminar  A      
ED791Independent Study *** ***
EDFN575Human Relations AAA      
EDFN595Pre-Admission Practicum (Project SECOND)A        
EDFN790Seminar (Project SECOND) AA
EDFN792Topics *** ***
ELED550K-8 Reading MethodsAA A
ELED592Topics *** ***
ELED593Workshop *** ***
ELED659Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties A
ENGL 508Teaching English as a Second Language O       
ENGL509Teaching English As a Second Language O
ENGL511Biblical Literature*
ENGL550The American Novel**
ENGL566The Modern Novel**
ENGL583Creative Writing**
ENGL591Independent Study**
EPSY528Child and Adolescent DevelopmentAA       
HIST565Westward Expansion of the U.S.-Fall every third yearBeginning - Fall 2012
HIST576History of South Dakota * A
HIST768Local History Social Studies for Teachers
HIST791Independent Study
INED511South Dakota Indian Studies   A AAAA
LIBM504Reference Resources A
LIBM508Collection Development A A
LIBM509Library Methods A
LIBM521Management of the Library Media Center A
LIBM543Information: Organization, Retrieval, and Discovery A
LIBM595Library Practicum*** *A*
LING525Contemporary Grammar
MATH513Abstract Algebra I E       
MATH523Advanced Calculus I O       
MATH581Probability and Statistics E       
MATH587Design of Experiments *
MCOM585Science Writing      A  
MCOM591Independent Study
MGMT605Law and Ethics  O      
MGMT610Applied Management O        
MGMT620Applied Organizational Behavior O  
MGMT 650Marketing: Establishing Presence and Demand E       
MGMT670Advanced Business Fiannce E       
MGMT710Linking Business to Global MarketsE        
MGMT 720Managerial Accounting  E      
MGMT730Economics: Insights and Applications    E    
MGMT 740Using Technologies for Competitive EdgeE        
MGMT750Strategic Planning: Mapping the Future    E    
MGMT760Applied Managmeent Science O       
MGMT794Capstone Experience: Theory to Practice Internship     E   
MLED573Principles and Practices of Teaching in Middle SchoolAA       
MLED578Guiding the Adolescent Learner A
MLED580Middle Level Methods (Project SECOND) AA       
MLED593Workshop *** ***
MLED688Middle School Student Teaching* *    ** 
MLED695Middle School Practicum *    A A 
MUS591Independent Study**
POLS576History of South Dakota * A
PSYC517Health PsychologyA        
PSYC522Psychology of Adolescence*** ***
PSYC632Psychology of Leadership*** ***
SEED508Planning, Managing, and Assessing in the 7-12 Diverse Classroom (Project SECOND)      A  
SEED550REading and Content Literacy (MAT/Project SECOND)AAA      
SEED592Topics *** ***
SEED593Workshop *** ***
SEED650Teaching and Supervision of Literacy in The Content Area *** ***
SEED688Student Teaching (Project SECOND) A       
SEED741Curriculum and Instruction A       
SLDR695Practicum  A       
SLDR710Leadership and Innovation: LessonsA        
SLDR728Levels of LeadershipA        
SLDR740Leading Change: Ethics and Social Responsibilty A       
SLDR748Social Change and Diversity A       
SLDR752Strategic Decision Making  A      
SLDR770Vision--Strategic Planning  A      
SLDR775Mentoring A       
SOC540Urban SociologyO E
SOC583Sociology of Gender RolesE
SOC791Independent Study*** ***
SOC792Topics*** ***
SPED505Educating Secondary Students With Disabilities AA A
SPED506Assistive Technology A       
SPED510Behavior Management of Exceptional ChildrenA E      
SPED513Serving Students with Severe Disabilities AO      
SPED517Vocational-Transitional Programing AO      
SPED520K-12 Curriculum and Instructional Strategies AO      
SPED531Identification and AssessmentA E      
SPED531Identification and Assessment in Special Education AAE
SPED532Methods and Materials for Learning Disabilities K-12 AA
SPED535Characteristics and Exceptionalities of Adolescents (MS SEED & MAT)A        
SPED553Introduction to Autism A O      
SPED560Family Systems and Professional CollaborationA E      
SPED585Special Education Law AE      
SPED592Topics *** ***
SPED688Student Teaching in Special EducationAA       
SPED691Independent Study *** ***
SPED695Practicum in Special EducationAA       
SPED760Current Issues in Special Education *** ***
SPED792Topics *** ***
SS692Topics *** ***
SS792Topics *** ***
SUST510Fundamentals of Sustainabilty A        
SUST520Science of Sustainability A        
SUST710Human Dimentions of Sustainability  A       
SUST720Commuinication and Change  A      
SUST730Environmental Law and Policy  A       
SUST750Quantitative Methods in Sustainability  A       
SUST760Global Cimate Change E       
SUST785Captsone I and IIA        
SUST792Special TpicsA        
THEA591Independent Study**
THEA592Topics *** ***
THM510Tourism Management         
THM520Services Marketing         
THM550Casino Management         
THM580Tourism Planning & Development         